Wednesday, 15 August 2007 01:41
Historical Projects Head to State Meeting

The CCHE was established in 2004 to fund
projects through a competitive grant process to tell the stories of California as a unified society and of the many groups of
people that together comprise historic and modern California. The CCHE funded by voter-approved bonds from the
California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe
Neighborhood Parks,
and Coastal Protection Act of 2002, more commonly known as Proposition
40. There is 122 million dollars up for grabs and three Amador County
groups are looking for their shares. The three groups include the Fiddletown
Preservation Society, the Knight Foundry in Sutter Creek and the Kennedy Mine
Foundation in Jackson.
The Fiddletown Preservation
Society is looking to fund the Restoration of two Chinese Structures in the
amount of $225,000. The
Kennedy Mine Foundation is asking for $ 150,000 for the Kennedy Mine
Archives Building
and finally the(VIDEO)
Knight Foundry is hoping for their requested amount of $1,074,706. The meeting of the state endowment
will be August 22 and 23 in Sacramento.
The local groups will be headed to the meeting, each being afforded the
opportunity to present their project to the endowment’s board.