Last month, Judge David Richmond made the restitution order, which requires Felter to reimburse CDCR a total of 63-thousand dollars for compensation received and investigative costs. An additional 49-thousand-dollars was ordered as restitution to the State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) for compensation Felter was not entitled to receive or retain. The court also ordered interest to accrue at a rate of 10% per year and for Felter to file an annual Statements of Assets, itemizing his income, property and debts.
Felter, who
is 36 years of age, of Pine Grove, was arrested in May 2006 following an
eighteen-month investigation by CDCR Internal Affairs and the Amador County
Workers’ Compensation Fraud Unit. Felter filed a workers’ compensation claim in
October 2003, alleging an injury to his lower back and left leg. He was placed
on disability and began receiving workers’ compensation benefits. However,
undercover video shows Felter lifting heavy objects, walking without any
noticeable impairment, and performing other actions inconsistent with his
claims. The investigation also revealed Felter was employed as a car salesman
during the same time he was receiving disability payments. Reibe says, “This order requires him to pay back
the money he received from his fraudulent claim and to reimburse CDCR for
the cost of their investigation.” “Unfortunately, fraudulent claims such as this have
the tendency to cast a shadow over all the legitimate claims filed each year,
leading to delayed or non-existent medical care for truly injured workers.” The
case was investigated by CDCR Senior Special Agent Russ Pettis and the
Amador County Workers’ Compensation Fraud Unit. If you think someone is committing workers’
compensation fraud, report it to the California Department of Insurance Fraud
Hotline at (916) 854-5700 or
the District Attorney’s Office at (209) 223-6562. You may remain