Friday, 07 September 2007 01:48

Governor Schwarzenegger Says Funding Mechanisms for Health Care Reform Should be on the Ballots

Gov. Schwarzenegger says voters may end up deciding the future of health care reform in California. Schwarzenegger  says that the funding mechanisms needed to pay for his health care reform plan should be put on a statewide ballot.
"The people are always our partners," Schwarzenegger said. "It’s the people who are dissatisfied with our health care system, so they should participate in those decisions." Schwarzenegger is working with Democratic leaders to pass health care reform by the end of the legislative session, September 14. The governor wants to require every Californian to carry health insurance and has proposed funding the program by imposing new fees on employers, hospitals and doctors. "It does cost money," Schwarzenegger said. "Even though in the end you save money, but initially it does cost money, so I think that always you want to let the people approve that."The governor described health care as his top priority for the final week of the legislative session, but also commented on a number of other issues. News10 contributed to this story.