Monday, 24 September 2007 01:48

New Report Identifies Stretch Of Hwy 88 As “Most Severe” In Terms Of Safety Needs

As part of a response to a Federal requirement that every state describes it’s most severe highway safety needs, the State of California has released its report and in that report Hwy 88 in Amador County has made the list. The report includes potential remedies to the hazardous locations identified, the estimated costs of the remedies; and impediments to implementation of the remedies other than costs.  The report was lead by Caltrans, who assembled a team of traffic safety stakeholders to analyze available data and explore approaches to identify locations for the 2006 Annual 5 Percent Report.
The team included: the California Highway Patrol (CHP), Caltrans, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the League of California Cites, the County Engineers Association of California, California State Association of Counties, the Traffic Safety Center – University of California Berkeley, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The team determined that available statewide data was insufficient to identify locations on all public roadways, both State and local, but Caltrans did have the data, processes and procedures in place to analyze and report on locations for the State Highway System. This is located above Pioneer. Amador County has no intersections making the list.