Tuesday, 02 October 2007 09:16

CARB Bans Ozone Generators

The state has banned widely used indoor ozone air purifiers, saying the devices aggravate many of the problems their advertisements claim to relieve. The California Air Resources Board called the ban, enacted Thursday, the first of its kind in the nation. According to the air board, some manufacturers of ozone generators have argued that ozone has the ability to reduce levels of indoor air pollutants, and recent research has shown that the opposite is true. The new regulations, which take effect in 2009, ban the sale of devices that produce more than .050 parts per million of ozone, a concentration the board says is enough to harm human health. The board estimated that about 500,000 Californians had been exposed to excessive levels of ozone because of the devices. Mary Nichols, chair of the Air Resources Board, said in a statement on the ban: "People with respiratory problems need to be protected from ozone. Consumers bought these devices hoping to reduce suffering for themselves or a loved one, only to make the situation worse."

Ozone, the primary component in smog, is produced intentionally by some air purifiers, and is produced as a byproduct of electronics in others. Michael T. Kleinman, a professor of Environmental Medicine at the University of California at Irvine, supports the board's actions, "Ozone is associated with human deaths. It can cause irreversible changes such as fibrosis-like stiffening of the lung. In my opinion, the use of an ozone-generating device as an indoor air cleaner is dangerous, especially if occupants already have lung or heart diseases, or are elderly." The new CARB regulation also requires all air cleaners pass an electrical safety test to prevent fire hazards. Any air cleaning device designed for use in a single room, a whole house, an entire floor in a multi-story commercial building, inside cars, as well as "personal air purifiers" worn around an individual's neck is subject to this regulation. The Sacramento Bee contributed to this story.