Wednesday, 10 October 2007 02:03

What Happened at the Pelican's Roost Monday?

slide3A loud disturbance and reports of possible gunshots brought Jackson Police in a hurry to the Pelican’s Roost restaurant in Jackson Creek Plaza Monday afternoon. A call had come in that there was a possible physical confrontation inside the Pelican’s Roost. When officers arrived and one officer entered the restaurant, they heard a loud noise that sounded like it could be a gunshot. At that point, officers took no chances, drew their weapons and ordered the occupant out of the restaurant.

When the dust settled, it was determined that one of the owners had been inside washing dishes when she had problems with  slide16 the sink and began banging on the sink with a pan. That was the noise that led the occupants of the neighboring establishment to believe there was a possible physical confrontation next door – and that police also initially thought could be gunfire. All’s well that ends well… and the moral of the story: when plumbing problems arise, use a wrench and not a skillet! A Bill Lavallie story.