Thursday, 11 October 2007 08:12

New Poll Shows Americans Attitudes Toward Spanish Speakerss

Spanish speaking in the United States is widespread and a new ABC News Poll shows that Spanish-speaking in everyday situations is accepted by two-thirds of Americans who come into contact with those who speak Spanish. But a third who experience this language difference are troubled by it – and they have distinctly more negative attitudes about immigrants and Hispanics generally. Just 10 percent of Americans admit to prejudice against Hispanics – far fewer than the number who, in previous polls, have self-reported prejudice on the basis of race or against Arabs and Muslims.

Nonetheless, a third of those who encounter Spanish speakers say it bothers them. Being bothered by Spanish isn’t affected by how often people hear it, meaning other factors are at play. People bothered by Spanish, instead, are those who are more apt to call for stricter immigration rules and to have negative views on immigration generally, particularly on illegal immigration. (This survey, it should be noted, was done in English.) According to the poll, Americans are conflicted about the immigration issue. On one hand, only 20% say the government is doing enough to keep illegal immigrants out of the country; on the other, most, 58 percent, favor a path to citizenship for those here now – a program giving illegal immigrants the right to legal status if they pay a fine and meet other requirements.  ABC NEWS GOOD MORNING AMERICA POLL