Thursday, 11 October 2007 08:13

Governor Schwarzenegger Faces a Mountain of Bills

Good news, bad news – depending on your political perspective… If you think Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger needs to earn his keep, he has plenty to keep him busy over the next week. But if you think less government is a good thing, you might be dismayed to know that the governor has nearly 600 pieces of legislation passed by the legislature last month, waiting to be signed. According to an ABC News10 report, the governor spent the Columbus Day holiday surrounded by staff in his capitol office, reviewing stacks of bills. Among the measures pending: Legislation legalizing gay marriage, banning adults from smoking in cars when children are inside and a measure that would authorize the state to provide financial aid to illegal immigrant college students. Schwarzenegger has already signed 354 bills so far this year, vetoing 15 measures. He has until midnight October 14th to decide the remaining 596 bills. An ABC News 10 story.