Friday, 19 October 2007 02:45

State Website Lists Tax Deadbeats

Do you owe back taxes to the state of California? If you’re one of the state’s worst 250 tax deadbeats, you’re now listed on the state's Franchise Tax Board new Web site showing names, addresses and past-due amounts– and there’s some interesting names on the list. Among California's most delinquent: singer Dionne Warwick, comedian Sinbad and O.J. Simpson. Warwick ranks 17th on the list and owes nearly $2.7 million; Sinbad ranks 23rd and owes $2.1 million and O.J. ranks 33rd and owes more than $1.4 million.  California lawmakers approved the Web site last year, as the state's unpaid personal income and corporate tax bill topped $6.5 billion. That tab is now nearly $7 billion with over 722,000 outstanding tax liens.

State Controller John Chiang said, “This list represents more than $249 million owed that should be used in providing all Californians with services at the state and local levels.  Hopefully, this action will encourage these taxpayers to come forward and pay what they owe.” State tax officials hoped that if the names of the worst 250 were made public, California would collect about 4 percent of their amount due.

According an Associated Press story, in the weeks before the site went live, 26 offenders who were warned about their upcoming Internet listing set up payment plans totaling $300,000 to keep their names off the list. If payments from the group over the past month hold up, the state's public-shaming effort could end up bringing in far more than officials expected. Similar measures in Washington, Connecticut and Colorado have also proved effective. Under the law, the tax board will update the list of 250 quarterly. TSPN’s reporters didn’t see any local names listed on the website but you can check out the list at  The Associated Press contributed to this story.