Monday, 29 October 2007 02:04

CDF Reminds Californians About Burning: Options for Locals

Some Southern California residents evacuated from their homes earlier this week were able to return home on Sunday as Saturday’s humid weather conditions helped fire fighters gain an upper hand and had the fire about 50% contained Sunday afternoon. Though firefighters are feeling more hopeful CDF still reminds us that most of California’s resources remain in Southern California and caution Californians that while the Department and its cooperators are fully staffed, the publics help is needed in practicing fire safety in their communities. 

Please remember these important residential burning requirements: Always call 223-6246 prior to lighting an outdoor fire; Burn only on permissive burn days; Contact your local fire agency for burn permit requirements; Burn only natural vegetation that is dry; Watch where your smoke is going; Burn only when smoke travels away from your neighbors; Never leave your fire unattended. And of course remember that there are other alternatives to burning. The Amador Air District has containers located in areas throughout the County so residents can rid of their vegetation without having to burn. Other good alternatives include: Composting; chipping; mulching; and/or recycling through your local garbage collection service provider. For more information about the services provided by the Amador Air District contact them at 257-0112.