Thursday, 08 November 2007 10:49

Raising Funds For a New Leg for Zachary Fowler

In early April of 2007, after a full day of work, twenty-four year old Zackary Fowler was riding his motorcycle on Highway 124 between Ione and Plymouth when he ran head-on into a minivan. Suffering life-threatening injuries he was life-flighted to UC Davis Medical Center. As a result of this accident Zackary lost his right leg and has limited use of his right arm and hand. In the weeks following the accident Fowler and his wife learned that they did not have Durable Medical Equipment or “DME” coverage.

Uncertain of what this meant they began questioning the insurance company about whether or not they would be providing a prosthetic leg. Fowler wondered how a leg could be considered “equipment.” After weeks in the hospital, when Fowler was able to be cared for at home -- Barely able to stand or even sit up unassisted, Fowler was told that the hospital would not even be providing him with a wheelchair. A few weeks after returning home Fowler was informed that his insurance company would not be covering any portion of the 15-thousand dollar cost for the prosthetic leg he needs. Zackary Fowler is not alone – according to the Amputee Coaltion of America, amputees often find that their medical insurance either doesn’t cover artificial limbs or covers only a fraction of the cost of the expensive devices.

Advocates around the country are lobbying to force health insurers cover a larger share of artificial limbs, which allow amputees often to return to their former work and lead active, productive lives. In the meantime, a group of Fowler’s supporters have formed the non-profit organization “A Bounty of Support” to help Fowler, and others in his predicament, pay for artificial limbs. A Bounty of Support has organized a Tri-tip Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, Nov. 10th at 6:00 pm in The Evalynn Bishop Hall (Howard Park) in Ione.. Tickets are $25.00 and can be purchased at the Ione Pharmacy or by calling Renee Nygren at (209) 763-2812. A Bounty of Support is also accepting cash donations at Bank of Amador under A Bounty of Support, In Trust for Zackary S. Fowler. California Highway Patrol Officer Mike Remmel, the first double amputee to return to active duty, will be a special Guest of Honor