Thursday, 29 November 2007 22:00

Amador County Government 101 Held Their Final Workshop

The last of an innovative workshop series on Amador County government was held this week and TSPN was there to tape the full session of Amador Government 101. The workshops were presented by decision and policy makers themselves, as a way to help the general public better understand how our local government works. The final workshop was held Wednesday, with almost three hours of presentations and an open public question and answer period. Presenters at this final workshop included both governmental and non-governmental county agencies. Non-governmental agencies included: the Foothill Conservancy, Amador Community Foundation, First 5 of Amador, Sierra Pacific Industries, East Bay Mud, and Amador County Smart Growth.

Sierra Pacific and East Bay Municipal Utility District, although not specifically county agencies, both have a direct impact on the county by using resources or contributing to local revenues and employment opportunities. Governmental agencies included infrastructure agencies such as Amador County Air District and Amador County Transportation Commission. The Amador County Unified School District and the Amador County Recreation Agency were both enthusiastically represented, plus the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), the agency responsible for boundary regulations between local jurisdictions.

The series got a lot of public support -- that pleases county officials. County Administrative Officer Terri Daly. Daly said, with this success, the organizers of Amador Government 101 are regrouping to find ways to carry on the idea of the workshop series. TSPN taped all the sessions and will continue to broadcast these through the end of next week. Daly said the taped workshops will be made available on the county website. She also said they are interested in providing other creative ways to get copies to the public, including the possibly having them available at the library. If you have ideas for distribution of the workshop series, please contact Terri Daly at 223-6490.