Monday, 21 January 2008 00:39

Kucinich Campaign Stops in Jackson Over the Weekend

slide1The presidential primary campaign made a stop in Jackson on Saturday afternoon. Elizabeth Kucinich, wife of Democratic primary candidate Dennis Kucinich, stopped at Jose’s Restaurant on a campaign tour through the foothills and Central Valley. The Democratic Club of Amador County announced the upcoming campaign stop on Friday, and by Saturday afternoon had assembled an enthusiastic group of Amador and Calaveras County Democrats at Jose’s Restaurant. Richard Blackston, Regional Vice Chair of the Democratic Rural Caucus, said that the Democratic Central Committee was making a special effort to get Democratic Party candidates to the foothills and the Central Valley, where Republican voters have long been in the majority.
Blackston said the California Democratic Central Committee “was committed to letting Republican candidates know that the Foothills are not theirs to win just by showing up – they’re going to have to start working hard for every office.”  The patient crowd at Jose’s waited about an hour and half for the Kucinich campaign group, which was running late on its route to Jackson from Lake Tahoe. Elizabeth Kucinich, the third wife of Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich, made a short speech and answered questions about the Congressman’s campaign platform. Kucinich was the only Democrat who voted against the invasion of Iraq, takes a moderate position on immigration, opposes NAFTA, and has taken strong positions in support of universal health care and environmental issues. Elizabeth Kucinich, has credentials of her own – she has a Bachelor's degree in Religious Studies and Theology and a Master's degree in International Conflict Analysis. She was working at the Chicago-based American Monetary Institute when she met Kucinich -- they were married in 2005.