Friday, 01 February 2008 00:58

Updates To Hazardous Waste Ordinances

slide13.pngOn Tuesday, the Amador County Board of Supervisors held two informational public workshops regarding updates to the county’s Hazardous Materials and Infectious Waste ordinances. Mike Israel, from the Environmental Health Department, explained that the ordinances are due for an update, as they have not been revised since 1980. The ordinances specifically affect facilities that utilize hazardous materials, produce hazardous waste, have above ground petroleum storage, or have underground storage tanks.

Aspects of the county’s HAZMAT ordinances that will be revised include exemptions, the appeals process, and inspection and enforcement programs. Comments from the public included concerns about unannounced inspections, the ambiguity of some wording in the ordinances, educational resources for businesses and compliance for contractors. Supervisor Ted Novelli assured members of the business community present that the ordinances were not meant to be punitive, stating “we have no intention of beating people over the head with these ordinances; we will direct staff to work with the individual instead of against our own citizens.” For more information regarding revisions to the County’s Hazardous Materials ordinances, visit the environmental health website at the county’s website.