Friday, 22 February 2008 00:51

STD Numbers Rising in Amador County

Sexually slide13.pngTransmitted Diseases numbers are rising in Amador County. According to local reports and statistics from Planned Parenthood, the number of gonorrhea cases in 2004 jumped to 10 times what they were in 2003. One Planned Parenthood official blames the local rise in statistics on a lack of education in a relatively small community, and limited access to birth control and health care providers for those living below the poverty line. In a recent panel held by State lawmakers, experts from across the state discussed preventative measures for whatUS, affecting an estimated 1 in 3 people, many of whom are not aware they carry the disease. According to a U.S. National Health Survey, an estimated 2 million non-institutionalized U.S. civilians under 39 are infected with Chlamydia. Other common STD's in the United States are Gonorrhea and Syphilis - but those are reportable diseases. Genital Herpes and Trichomoniasis are not legally required to be reported, making them difficult to keep track of. is now being labeled an epidemic. Possible actions for the State to consider will include increases in funding, providing vaccinations and screening, and protecting youth and raising awareness. Chlamydia is the most prevalent STD in the