Friday, 29 February 2008 01:15

Governor Schwarzenegger Stands by "Amended Compact" In Regards to The Buena Vista Casino

In a letter received yesterday from Governor Schwarzenegger’s office, the Governor “respectively declined” the County’s recent plea request for his assistance in fighting the proposed Buena Vista Casino. “While we appreciate the frustration regarding the length of time the motion has been pending, we believe it would be inappropriate for the Governor to request a federal court to issue a ruling within a set time frame,” wrote Andrea Lynn Hoch, Schwarzenegger’s Legal Affairs Secretary.

The letter outlines what the Governor’s office understands to be the history between the Tribe and the County. “The Governor stands by the amended compact entered into with the tribe,” wrote Hoch. She describes the Governor’s latest Buena Vista compact as an improvement over the 1999 compact, and that her office “we Beleave the process set up in the in the amended process is working as intended. …The County and Tribe have met and negotiated a comprehensive aggrement to address mitigation of the off reservation impacts of the proposed project.

The The Board of Supervisors last tuesday postponed until next Tuesday their decision on whether or not to approve the Intergovernmental Services agreement with the tribe, stating that more time was needed to weigh the pros and cons of their actions. As the letter from Hoch states, “should the County ultimately not approve the agreement, the compact provides that either party may seek binding arbitration with respect to any remaining disputes.