Friday, 30 May 2008 02:06

Tragic House Fire

slide7.pngA melted garage and one wall is all that is left standing after a fire destroyed John and Cindy Borgerding’s home on Carbondale Road early Wednesday morning.  “I yelled at all the kids to get out, get out!” says Cindy.  Once they realized a fire had started, husband John “grabbed a hose and ran back inside, but it was too late. It was just too hot.”  The fire, which was started by a reading lamp igniting bedding, engulfed the house before firefighters arrived. Although the house is a total loss, the Borgerdings were able to escape unharmed with their four children, ages 9 to 16, and even rescue their dogs, cats, and hamster. “It just burned so fast,” says Cindy, who is thankful that her family is safe.  The Borgerdings say they were awakened by smoke and says that their one smoke alarm did not go off.  “We were so worried about clearing brush around our house, we didn’t even think about the inside,” says John.

  Local fire personnel recommend replacing your smoke detector batteries twice per year and keeping fire extinguishers current, which you can do by simply checking the needle on the gauge.  Green is good; otherwise, take it to a certified fire extinguisher servicing company. The family is amazed at the immediate outpouring of support they have received.  Sharon Watson, a local real estate agent, heard of the tragedy and launched into action, collecting clothes and other items.  Donations in the form of clothing and K-Mart or Wal-Mart gift cards can be dropped off at Prudential California Realty in Jackson, across from Perko’s.  The sizes needed are girls 10-12, boys size large or men’s small, women’s pant size 10-11 and medium shirts, men’s size 36-38 Wranglers, and men’s XL shirts.  Shoes are needed in men’s sizes 8 and 11 wide, and women’s sizes 5, 7 and 9. Additionally, Ione Elementary will be setting up an account at Bank of Amador in Ione to accept monetary donations.  For now, the Red Cross has placed the family in a local hotel and they are researching where they will go from there, a task that may prove difficult, as the family owns 10 horses and several dogs and cats.