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Monday, 14 January 2008 00:42

Filling in the Amador Canal?

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To fill in the canal or not to fill in the canal? That is the question. Amador Water Agency board members need an environmental study before they can decide which way to go. With the new Amador Transmission Pipeline completed and carrying the water that most of Amador County’s water, the next step is to run a small water pipe in the old ditch to serve about 134 customers who still receive raw water directly from the canal. After this pipe is installed in the canal and current canal customers are hooked up, the agency will stop pumping any water into the canal.

Amador Water Agency’s Manager of Engineering and Planning, Gene Mancebo says this will probably be phased in over the next three years or so. The original Environmental Impact Report on the pipeline construction assumes that the canal will remain empty after the new water pipe is installed. But many property owners along the canal have asked the water agency to fill in the canal with dirt to make their properties more accessible – and General Manager Jim Abercrombie said that some owners have even conditioned signing an easement agreement for AWA to maintain the pipe on filling in the ditch. Mancebo says it will probably be optional for property owners – some owners would rather the ditch on their property open for rainwater accumulation. Either way, an environmental study on the impacts of filling in the ditch and an addendum to the original EIR will have to be approved before property owners and AWA can make an informed decision. Board members voted to contract with an environmental firm to prepare a draft addendum on the entire 23-mile length of the canal for a fee not to exceed $25,000.


Read 1588 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 01:55