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Tuesday, 15 January 2008 09:55

General Plan Update Maps and Alternative Available for Review

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slide18The county has made available to the public several draft documents related to the County’s General Plan Update. The County is now entering into the Land Use and Alternatives segment of the General Plan update process -- the updated General Plan will set the policy for land use and development decisions in the county over the next 20-plus years. The Land Use Working Paper, the Land Use Classification System and Alternatives Workbook, and Map Packet are available on the General Plan website. Full-size colored maps are also available for review in the Planning Department office. The Working Paper provides information on current land uses and general plan land use designations.

The Amador General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), has developed three land use alternatives, detailed in the Alternatives Workbook and Map Packet. These issues will be discussed at the next Amador General Plan Advisory Committee meeting with plenty of time allowed for questions and answers. Additional meetings to follow will be dedicated to discussion and evaluation of the proposed land use alternatives. All GPAC meetings are open to the public and all county residents are encouraged to attend and participate -- the next GPAC meeting is on Thursday, January 24 from 6 - 8 P.M. at the County Administration Center. For agendas and documents for GPAC meetings, visit the General Plan website at the address on your screen or contact the Amador County Planning Department Office (209) 223-6380.

Read 814 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 01:55