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Friday, 26 January 2007 00:47

General Plan Update: Energy Considered In Plan

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slide2These days we hear a lot about zoning and planning and the new General Plan Updates. Traffic, housing density, oak woodlands protection, light pollution and so much more are being discussed in every corner of the county but perhaps the least known part of the General Plan for the County is the subject of energy. The General Plan Committee recently released their working paper on energy. Why is energy being studied? The answer to that question according to the energy paper is that a review of energy data is essential to understanding the energy needs of County residents and thereby accomplishing the vision to conserve, enhance, use and protect mineral, water, air, soil, and other natural resources. The working paper on energy itself will serve as a foundation for updating or creating goals, policies, and programs related to energy and its use in the Amador County General Plan.

slide4 The Energy paper was guided by public comments and input from the GPAC, both of which served to focus the analysis of relevant information and the discussion of issues, goals, and policies. Information regarding energy and its use in Amador County was considered in order to identify future needs. The paper includes a review of the current Amador County General Plan Land Use, Conservation and Open Space Elements and analysis relative to State requirements. As part of the General Plan update process, the County conducted five public workshops in September 2006 to identify key issues of concern to County residents. These efforts have identified several energy-related themes that are important to consider in the Plan update, including: the Cost of energy- the belief that energy prices are rising and some residents or businesses may find it difficult to pay the higher prices. Energy costs are particularly important in Amador County because of the greater weather extremes in many parts of the County compared to the Central Valley and coastal areas of the state.

Also considered important is Energy Conservation – The desire to encourage land planning, building design, individual practices, slide5 transportation, and technologies that use less energy. The paper suggests that the new general Plan should include mineral resources as a land use category in the Conservation Element and mapped known locations on the General Plan Land Use Map. Applicable policies regarding energy-efficient land use decisions may also be included in this element of the General Plan. Also the paper recommends goals, policies and implementation measures that should be created and included in the Open Space Element of the Plan to ensure that the County has adequately represented the locations and actions to take regarding mineral resource areas.

Read 441 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:08