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Wednesday, 24 January 2007 04:44

City of Jackson Looks To New Development Code

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slide22Former Jackson City Council Member Marilyn Lewis made it clear that city politics are still a major interest and concern to her at this week’s Jackson City Council meeting. “You know my favorite little thing is the Brown Act,” she commented upon approaching the Board. She proceeded to inform the council that she felt the act had been violated at a Dec. 12th meeting when the council gave direction to staff under the Council reports, regarding the Chinese Cemetery, which was not the agenda.

slide24 She read from a section of the Brown Act that explains that an item is not to be acted upon unless it is appearing on a “posted agenda.” The item is merely to be discussed and if action is needed then the issue should be agendized for a future meeting. Chief of Police Scott Morrison then updated the board on the department’s activities. He reported on the man hunt for two suspects that occurred last week. He said, 24 year old Floyd Jess Easley is being held on a parole hold while the department is waiting for further charges against him for assault with a deadly weapon against an officer, when Easley attempted to back his vehicle into Officer Paul Neasbitt. He also reported that the Jackson Police Department is currently investigating a statutory rape situation involving 3 juveniles; however that is the extent of the information he released.

City Planner Susan Peters reported that the Planning Commission’s recent direction for staff to review the facts and finding for the slide25 Jackson Hills project is being done by staff and the item will most likely appear before the Planning Commission again in February. She also reported that the Draft EIR for the proposed Home Depot is expected in about a month.  The council then moved on to the City’s Audit Report for the fiscal year of 2005-2006. The audit was conducted by Smith and Newell, CPA’s. Marilee Smith explained the audit process as well as briefly went over the audit report. The Council accepted the item unanimously. City Planner Susan Peters then introduced the 2007 Draft Development Code. She said in March of 2005 the City Council directed staff to work with the Planning commission on a zoning code to be consistent with the proposed General Plan Land Use Element. The goal was to review both the Land Use Element and a proposed Development (zoning) code with amendments to the Circulation Element in one Environmental Impact Report.

Staff and the Planning Commission looked at the development codes of other jurisdictions and decided upon using Truckee’s code as a model because Jackson and Truckee are similar, and the code had been recently updated. Peters said that the Commission added several new requirements to the Development Code. Those include: Development Standards for zoning categories which are consistent with the proposed Land Use Element; Regulations for development in flood plains, visually sensitive areas and historic corridors; Restrictions and development standards for Large Retail Establishments; Hillside Development Standards; Open Space/Cluster Requirements; Lighting regulations (both commercial and residential) and New Parking Standards, which she commented are “woefully inadequate.” The item was purely an update and no action was taken.

Read 560 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:08