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Tuesday, 17 April 2007 01:13

Jackson Planning Commission Approves Delay In Parking Lot Changes For New York Ranch Rd Complex

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slide15The Jackson Planning Commission held their two year review of the New York Ranch Center, Inc. parking. When originally approved on April 18th 2005 the Planning Commission granted a request by the applicants, New York Ranch Center, Inc., to postpone the reconfiguration of their parking lot in accordance with their Planned Development for a period of two years. The purpose for the delay was to allow completion and occupancy of the remaining building to better determine the parking needs.

The Resolution passed by the Planning Commission, at that time, required that the corporation provide the City with a bond to cover any required reconfiguration and striping plus 10% for administrative overhead in the event that the Commission felt the reconfiguration was necessary. Last night the applicants were requesting that the parking reconfiguration and bond requirement be removed from the Planned Development “the owners reviewed the parking situation in light of the full build out of the Center and the addition of the swimming pool for New York Fitness” and found parking to be sufficient. The Planning Commission approved the resolution with a slight modification to the date.

slide17 It was deja vou all over again as a request regarding a lot split at 10 Smalley Avenue appeared before the planning Commission for the second time. Previously in February the applicants, John and Connie Gonsalves, requested a variance to allow construction of three single family residential units to encroach 15 feet into the required 25 foot front yard setback, in accordance with the property’s (R-3)  Multi-Family Dwelling zoning which allows for which allows for densities in the R-1 and R-2 zones along with threeplexes, fourplexes, and bungalow courts.

The Planning Commission decided that the lot was poorly zoned and made a motion to re-zone the property to R-2, which would allow for the construction of two single family dwelling units, or one duplex. The Gonsalves’ returned last night with the proposal to divide one 11,931 square foot site into two lots. Parcel A would be 5,294 sq. feet and Parcel B 6,637 sq. feet. A single family residence and detached garage currently exists on site, however the residence will be removed and rebuilt in a different location on the lot while the garaged will be expanded into a single family residence. The planning commission approved the split last night, however the commission also removed the possibility of multifamily zoning on either of the newly created lots by changing the zoning to R-1 for both lots.

Read 911 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:08