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slide11The AWA Board of directors broached a touchy subject among Camanche residents, developers and the board itself Thursday afternoon as they discussed the current waste water situation in Camanche. Agency Manager Jim Abercrombie reported that last year the Camanche Wastewater Storage Pond capacity was increased through expansion efforts. Agency crews also added sprinklers in the disposal area for increased efficiency Abercrombie said the question that arose was whether or not the improvement provided enough capacity to lift the suspension of permit applications for some property owners.
slide23The city of Plymouth had their bi-monthly council meeting last Thursday the 26th.. During the Public comment session a few citizens stated their relief regarding a recent court decision that rejected the Municipal Services Agreement between the City and the Ione Band of Miwok. One person noted that she was relieved, however still concerned that there would be an appeal and the process would get drawn out another few years. She also noted that she hopes this is the end of it so that the city can move forward and take care of other pertinent issues that need to be addressed. Councilman Jon Colburn noted that the city will not take any position about the decision until the appropriate time has passed, approximately 30 days to 4 months, in which the Ione Band of Miwok could request an appeal hearing. According to Colburn, the fact that the 3 appeals court judges made a unanimous decision against the MSA, it is possible that the tribe will not go for another appeal. The city council is required to maintain the current MSA until the time has passed for the possible appeal, and then they can officially remove the current agreement.
slide28Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has now issued an emergency declaration after an I-80 interchange connector to the Bay Bridge was hit by a tractor trailer hauling 8,600 gallons of gasoline. The cost of the repairs will likely run into the tens of millions of dollars, and the state is now seeking federal disaster aid. The tanker ignited after crashing into a pylon around 3:45 a.m. Sunday on an interchange connecting westbound lanes of Interstate 80, which includes the Bay Bridge, to southbound I-880 in Oakland.
slide31Being on a city council could become a little less thankless of a job under a newly proposed assembly bill by Assemblyman Hector De La Torre, D-South Gate. The bill would double the maximum salaries council members could receive in 370 California's cities which operate their governments under general law.
slide37Many states are making more children eligible for government-funded health insurance even as President Bush's health chief says families are relying too much on public money for the coverage. The goal of the states is to allow more middle-class families to participate in the State Children's Health Insurance Program. The states are raising income limits so families once shut out because of their earnings now can qualify.
Friday, 27 April 2007 08:04

School Board Report

slide2More fall out from the Chamber of Commerce decision to hold a seat on their tourism committee for the Buena Vista Band of Miwok Indians proposed business; the Flying Cloud Casino. The Friends of Amador County has announced their resignation from the Chamber. The move, presented to Chamber President Jack Mitchell in a letter from FOAC President Jerry Cassesi, states that although the organization has given the decision a considerable amount of thought, the Friends of Amador County views the chamber as having a position in which the chamber administration has continued to have open support for the Buena Vista Casino Proposal by the Buena Vista band of Me-Wuk Indians while, at the same time, also opposing the Ione Band of Miwok Indians proposal for a Plymouth area casino.
slide6The BOS reviewed an addendum to their agenda and then took a position on Tuesday regarding Assembly Bill 1634. GSA Director John Hopkins and Animal Control Director John Vail explained the main direction of the bill.  The Bill would prohibit any person from owning or possessing any cat or dog over the age of 4 months that has not been spayed or neutered, unless that person possesses an “intact” permit. The bill would establish an intact permit fee in an amount yet to be determined by a local jurisdiction, and would then require the revenue from these fees to be used for the administration of the local jurisdiction’s permit program. The Bill would make a violation of these provisions punishable by a prescribed civil penalty. Hopkins pointed that many people are, or will be, opposed to this bill as it takes away “people’s rights or perceived rights.”  Hopkins then went over the fines and fees portion of the bill. The bill states that any person in violation of the law shall be fined $500 for each animal for which the violation occurs as well as for each applicable period of noncompliance. The penalty shall be imposed in addition to any other civil or criminal penalties imposed by the local jurisdiction. Because the local jurisdiction is responsible for the enforcement of this law that leaves the question of who is going to fund such a program and oversee its implementation?
slide12The Board of Supervisors approved the Amador County Recreation Agency Board’s suggested projects that were eligible for the Prop. 40 funds. Prop 40 funds are administrated under The "California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002. The Amador County Recreation Agency is responsible for making the recommendations to the Board of supervisors for the allocation of the funds. The 1.2 million is a one-time only per capita grant that can be used for the improvement for development of recreation facilities within Amador County.
slide24State legislation passed yesterday will have local impacts and in all likelihood Mule Creek State prison will be adding beds. Although the expansion will add beds, state prison officials are quick to point out that in the case of Mule Creek that does not necessarily mean more inmates- just that the inmates already there will be housed appropriately.