Friday, 08 August 2014 03:40

7-11 Committee

Tuesday, July 29, 2014 the 7-11 Committee met to continue the discussion of the current state of Amador County schools and the Districts plans for consolidation.  Superintendent Dick Glock shared with the Committee and members of the public present, his official Recommendation and Report given to the ACUSD/ACOE Governing Board on July 23, 2014.  "After listening for 18 months I think it is time for me to make some recommendations:  Leave Ione as is for now;  there is too much uncertainty about the timing of population growth.  The Ione community made a significant concession when the District unified in 1982.  With the possibility of status quo in Ione perhaps the next question for study is:  What is the decision point at which consolidation becomes essential and what will be the factors to drive the decision?"

These official comments put the Committee's concern about the future of schools in Ione to rest, allowing the 7-11 Committee to turn their attention to the issue of  consolidation of the two High Schools within the county.   Superintendent Glock indicated that funding for the 2014-2015 school year will most likely remain the same for the 2015-2016 school year.  Thus making status quo a viable option for the next two years.  The Committee will now be evaluating the triggers that would validate the need for consolidation in the future. 

Members of the 7-11 Committee agreed that some of the people within the communities they represent would be opposed to any plan for consolidation, regardless of the triggers indicating need.  Equally, some people within these communities have asked why has consolidation not been done yet?  The Committee's discussion however focused on the majority of response within their communities, "If consolidation is necessary then IT MUST BE DONE CORRECTLY." Committee members recognize that their communities will need to help answer the questions of what is our priority for one Amador County High School.

The next 7-11 Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, August 26th at 6PM in the Amador County District Office - conference room.  This is a public meeting.  Discussion will focus on the question from Superintendent Glock. "What is the decision point at which consolidation becomes essential and what will be the factors to drive the decision."