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Friday, 27 October 2006 00:46

Ione Gets A New Landmark

PictureThe City of Ione became the owners of a new footbridge yesterday as the engineered structure was installed across Sutter Creek directly west of the current Highway 104/Main Street/Preston Ave intersection. Originally scheduled for installation in the summer of 2007, the one hundred foot long bridge was first discussed as a federal “Safe Routes To School” Project in conjunction with city and developer funding 3 years ago. The project was a cooperative venture between the City, the developer of new homes in the Castle Oaks area, JTS Communities, and the owners of the adjacent shopping center, home to Claypool’s Market and Ione Pharmacy.
Thursday, 26 October 2006 02:23

BLM Discusses Land Management Plan

PictureThe Bureau of Land Management, BLM, held a public meeting to present the draft Sierra Resource Management Plan (RMP) last night at Sonora High School in Sonora. The purpose of the meeting was to hear public comments and concerns on the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the plan which will impact some 20.2 miles of the Mokelumne River and BLM lands within Amador and Calaveras Counties. The draft RMP presents alternatives for BLM policy on fuel reduction, wild and scenic river status for 20.2 miles of the Mokelumne River, land acquisition and disposal, minerals development, recreation, target shooting, areas of critical environmental concern, and other issues. 

Tuesday, 24 October 2006 02:48

Wildland Fire On The Jackson Rancheria

Accident InvestigationYesterday afternoon a wild land fire broke out on the Jackson Rancheria just off the brand new entrance to the Rancheria, Dalton Drive. Battalion 10 personnel and CDF quickly responded asking for mutual aid from Jackson City Fire as well. The fire was contained to 3 acres with help from Pine Grove Camp crews. Sparks from a cutting tool set hay that was spread on a hillside to reduce erosion on fire. The fire then went up the hill to the woods and started a wild land fire.
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer moved to dismiss a federal lawsuit challenging Jessica's Law, also known as Proposition 83 on the November 7th ballot.
According to the Associated press former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, a moderate Republican best known for his stewardship of the city after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, has taken the first step in a 2008 presidential bid.
Sunday, 12 November 2006 23:47

New Medicare Sign Ups Begin This Week

Enrollment for Medicare's prescription drug program reopens this week, and participants should check to make sure their plans are not changing, according to area insurance counseling experts. The new enrollment period, which opens from Wednesday, the 15th to Dec. 31, is also a chance for people who are not already on a plan to sign up, or for people unhappy with their coverage to change to a new plan. Once enrollment closes Dec. 31, customers must remain with the plan they have chosen until next November. 

Thursday, 09 November 2006 02:12

Watershed Monitoring Training To Begin

slide18The Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Council is planning to provide free training to all people interest to help monitor water quality in our local streams. Citizen water quality monitoring is monitoring of the environment by community members interested in the protection of their rivers, lakes and streams. The 3-part training series will include an introductory session; use, operation, and calibration of the testing equipment; and habitat assessment and riparian plant identification.
Tuesday, 07 November 2006 01:17

Workshop For Child Safety To Be Held

slide24HRC Child Care Resources and the Amador County Child Abuse Prevention Council are hosting a free Child Safety Workshop on Thursday, November 9th, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The workshop will be held in the large conference room of the General Services Administration Building at 12210 B Airport Road, Jackson. This workshop is designed for anyone who cares for or works with kids and will include Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training, as well as, a presentation on Shaken Baby Syndrome. Child Care Providers, babysitters, teens, parents, grandparents, and foster parents are encouraged to attend.


Friday, 03 November 2006 05:53

Accident at 4-way Stop Sign in Martell

The 4-way stop sign in the Martell area was the scene of yet another accident.
Thursday, 02 November 2006 01:51

Accident On Fiddletown Road Injures One

slide34The California Highway Patrol report an accident that occurred on Monday in Fiddletown has been released. According to investigating Officer Steve Ladd’s report, 49 year old Jan Thomas of Fiddletown was traveling west bound on Fiddletown Road just west of Quart Mountain Road when for an unknown she allowed her 1999 Ford F-150 to leave the west bound roadway edge. In efforts to correct the situation, Thomas over corrected back to the left and lost control of her vehicle. The pickup truck continued across both the west bound and east bound lanes and struck a dirt embankment causing the truck to roll over and come to rest on its top, leaving Thomas trapped within. Thomas was extricated from the vehicle and subsequently transported to Sutter Amador Hospital for treatment for cuts and abrasions sustained from the accident as well as pain to her neck.