Sunday, 23 November 2014 05:08

Group Hug on AM Live on TSPN TV Nov 21, 2014

Kam Merzlak and Susie Miller close out today's Amador Live with their guests.

Published in AML
Sunday, 23 November 2014 05:06

Just Between Us Segment 1 Nov 21, 2014

Are reality shows similar to every day life?

Do today's children understand the meaning behind Thanksgiving?

Published in Just Between Us
Sunday, 23 November 2014 05:05

Just Between Us Segment 2 Nov 21, 2014

Should we continue to strive toward our potential, even as we age?

How would your life change if you suffered a life-threatening illness?

Published in Just Between Us
Sunday, 23 November 2014 05:03

Just Between Us Segment 3 Nov 21, 2014

What would you do if you saw a friend switching tags at a store?

Should we examine current weaknesses of the United States?

Published in Just Between Us
Sunday, 23 November 2014 04:59

Just Between Us Segment 4 Nov 21, 2014

Hot Topic: President Obama's executive action on immigration.

Published in Just Between Us

ACRA's A Children's Christmas at The HUB on Nov. 28th and 29th from 11AM-9PM and Dec. 6th, 13th, and 20th 11AM-5PM at 206B Main Street Jackson, CA (above Hein & Co. Book Store). For more information call 223-6349.

Published in Local
Charles Spinetta and Family, owners of Charles Spinetta Winery, recently kicked off the holiday season by
donating $25,000 to an assortment of worthy non profit organizations that serve Amador County.
Two fire departments that serve the Shenandoah Valley area received a total of $10,000. These donations will
be used at the discretion of the fire chiefs to purchase items that will make the fire stations more comfortable
for firefighters.
“Firefighters work hard, and they need to feel at home when they’re assigned to a fire station,” said Spinetta.
“More comfortable quarters leads to better morale, and we want to take care of the firefighters who take care of
The Future Farmers of America chapters in both Amador Hi and Argonaut Hi Schools also received a total of
$10,000 in donations. These donations will purchase an assortment of jackets for FFA members to wear at
public events as well as tools and equipment used in agricultural education.
“FFA covers every aspect of agriculture - from manual labor to advanced science,” said Spinetta. “As
viticulture and agriculture grow in importance to our county, the need for vibrant, modern FFA clubs also
Earlier this fall, the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom received $5,000. The donation paid
registration and lodging expenses for nine Amador County teachers who attended a three day conference
focused on enhancing education with real world agricultural examples.
“Our students learn about math, science, and home economics as they learn about agriculture. Our teachers
enjoy learning about agriculture from experienced farmers, and we all win when our young people
understand more about their food and the people who grow it.”
The Amador Community Foundation assists the Spinetta Family by administering the funds that were
distributed by this project.
From left to right in the photograph Tony Spinetta, Jim Spinetta, Charlie Spinetta, Mike Spinetta
Posted by TSPN TV
Published in Local
Thursday, 20 November 2014 22:41

Amador STARS Office Has Relocated

Amador STARS office has moved to 60 D Ridge Road, Sutter Creek. Located between Barron's and Umpqua Bank next door to La Esperanza Mexican Restaurant, about 1/2 block east of the signal at Sutter Hill.

Their new phone number is: 209-267-1246

Posted by TSPN TV

Published in Local
Sutter Creek Parade of Lights
Saturday December 13th, 2014 6:30 pm
Sponsored by the Sutter Creek Business & Professional Association
Visit HYPERLINK " for more information or call Toni at (209) 256-1750
Join us for the 8th Annual “Parade of Lights” on Saturday December 13th. Sutter Creek will come alive in twinkling lights, as everything from cars, mail trucks, school buses, horses, dogs, people, marching bands, baton twirlers, and more, parade down Historic Sutter Creeks' Main Street beneath the moonlight on a crisp December evening. Everyone is invited to come down and watch this magical “Parade of Lights”. Children and adults enjoy this evening of old fashioned hometown fun.
Main Street itself is a beautiful sight to behold. All of the wonderful Gold Rush buildings are decked out in Holiday splendor. Bubbles float down from balconies and give the feeling of snowflakes. The storefront windows are wonderfully displayed with all their Holiday wares. How can’t you feel like the Christmas season with all of this?
The parade starts at 6:30. Anyone can be in the parade, just fill out the application on the website at HYPERLINK " and then start brainstorming on your entry. The cost to enter is still only $10 and is due by Saturday, November 22, 2014. This is a great opportunity for a family to do something fun together and also for businesses to advertise to the local community. You can also pick up an entry form at the Sutter Creek Visitor Center at 71A Main Street.
There is plenty of parking downtown, just don't park on Main Street, so everyone will have a good view of this wonderful parade! Remember to dress warm. Come early and enjoy the FREE Horse Drawn Carriage Rides on Main Street! Come join us with this holiday tradition. And remember, it is a rain or shine Parade so be prepared for any weather!
The Parade starts at 6:30, but remember, NO parking on Main Street after 5:00 and the streets close at 5:30. Please be respectful of these closures on Main Street and the staging areas because we have excited children, of all ages, walking around in the dark getting the Parade ready for your enjoyment. Please no saving spots on the sidewalk until after 4pm, items on sidewalk prior to that will be removed.
For more information visit HYPERLINK " or call Toni at (209) 256-1750 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Posted by TSPN TV
Published in Local
Thursday, 20 November 2014 22:37

Park restoration-Catholic Cemetery Update

As many of you may have heard, last week the Jackson Rancheria park restoration crew began the cleanup efforts at the Catholic Cemetery in Jackson.   Weather permitting, workers will be onsite Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. and will continue through winter until completion.  Restoration efforts will be focused on the surrounding areas only and will not include grave sites.  We will ensure to work carefully so not to disrupt the graves of those laid to rest. 


It is important to us that we proceed with utmost respect and are asking residents of Amador County who have family buried at the Catholic Cemetery to join us in rejuvenating the area by cleaning up your family’s private plot.  Come see us during work hours and you will be supplied with lunch, beverages, gloves and any tools needed to get the job done.   


If you have family members buried at the Catholic Cemetery, but cannot do the work yourself, we would be honored to clean up for you, with your permission. Please contact Suzie Reynolds at the St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Parish at (209) 223-2970 to grant us this approval.


For additional information, feel free to contact the park restoration committee at (209) 223-8405.

Posted by TSPN TV 

Published in Local